Lecture by Dr. Tomáš Rychnovský, Ph.D., an experienced physiotherapist who specializes in the treatment of human pain. Her practice is based on the belief that mind and body are inseparable and believes that many physical pains stem from psychological problems.
Dr. Rychnovský teaches how to stabilize and move the spine, get rid of body pain and prevent it. Emphasizes finding balance between mind and body and managing stress. He is the co-author of the book "Every pain has its cause" and applies his methods not only to individuals, but also in companies, where he deals with topics such as stress management and deep stabilization of the spine.
The lecture will focus on the relationship between our thoughts and physical pain. What kind of relationship should we have with ourselves, our body and our psyche? Come learn more about how connecting physical and mental health can bring health, joy and peace of mind.
Organizer: YogFest, zs
Co-organizer: UFFO
Friday 18 October ** UFFO main hall ** 18:00 - 19:30 hours ** entrance fee in advance 350 CZK, on the day of the event 390 CZK ** advance ticket sales from 10.7.
The discounted KOMBI ticket includes admission to the PAINLESS LIFE lecture and the entire Saturday festival program in Uff.
Holders of ZTP / ZTP/P cards can apply for a 50% discount on all tickets. The discount can only be applied to the Inforeception UFFO.