pá 24.5.202419:00

Zakázaná touha

Smí se zralá žena bláznivě zamilovat a vrhnout se do víru vášně? Může atraktivní mladý muž hledat něhu a blízkost, která mu tak chyběla, u starší partnerky? Olga (Magdalena Boczarska) je o patnáct let starší než Max (Simone Susinna). Ona je úspěšná žena s vybudovanou kariérou a postavením, matka dospělé dcery. On je pohledný mladý muž, který žije naplno a nechce promarnit ani chvíli. Osud je spoji
Red Dwarf
Zakázaná touha
120 minutes
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Can a mature woman fall madly in love and throw herself into the vortex of passion? Can an attractive young man look for the tenderness and closeness he has been missing from an older partner? Olga (Magdalena Boczarska) is fifteen years older than Max (Simone Susinna). She is a successful woman with an established career and position, mother of an adult daughter. He is a handsome young man who lives life to the fullest and doesn't want to waste a moment. Fate brought them together and involved them in a passionate relationship accompanied by many pitfalls. Olga is torn between conflicting feelings: her sense of responsibility warns her against a budding romance, shame stands in the way of passion, and self-control struggles with the desire for youthful spontaneity. Max begins to understand that his carefree life is losing its appeal. He is sure that the woman he met is the love of his life, but he does not know how to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of their being together. When long-hidden secrets come to light, the choices the lovers will have to make become even more complicated. Both love the wild elements, wind and stormy seas, but will they have the courage to jump into the unknown?