čt 24.10.202419:00
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REINER(KACE) : Original remakes of Karel Reiner's melodies

The singer and pianist Aida Mujačić, despite the classical training received in her native Bosnia and Herzegovina, underwent a transformation of her interests into the field of traditional music of her native homeland (especially songs of the love desire of sevdalinka), modern and postmodern approaches to world music (in the ethno-jazz rock band Korjen, she collaborated with more traditionally oriented bands Džezvica and Fes) and avant-garde not only free jazz (the British saxophonist George Haslam's Freetime Quartet, free improvisation and big band Straková's mobile circus).

As a musicologist, she deals with the research of Ludvík Kuba, who mapped, among other things, the music of the Bosnian region. He sings Sephardic songs that Ludvík Kuba collected in 1893. He wrote down 21 Jewish folk songs in Ladino, a relic of medieval Spanish. Aida's approach is not based on the predominant focus of interpretation of Sephardic music inspired by Renaissance and Baroque forms, but emphasizes their Balkan spontaneity and connection with local folklore. This is also shown by the example of the wandering of melodies between the Jewish (Sephardic and Ashkenazi) and non-Jewish Bosnian environments, which demonstrates the multiculturalism of the local world in the 19th century, which should not be forcibly ended and is an inspiring path.

The performer takes into account the concert environment of synagogues or Christian sacred buildings, so she performs either a-capella or with her own accompaniment on piano, harmonium, organ or percussion. He is intensively devoted to the reinterpretation of the work of the Czech avant-garde artist, imprisoned during the Holocaust, Karel Reiner. The basic inspiration was the fact that his melodies from the Terezín performance Esther did not survive in musical form and were reconstructed after a long time delay according to the memory of the actors performing in it. He works with the fact that in Terezín musicians could not use perfectly tuned instruments, but they still became an expression of the meaning of life, especially towards children.

For them, Reiner wrote the Flowered Horse cycle in collaboration with director Esther and writer Norbert Frýd as a way to teach poetry and music in conditions where Jewish children were not allowed to attend public schools. Last but not least, the whole concept does not forget that Reiner, as a member of the artistic avant-garde of the 1930s, worked with contemporary popular culture, was a student and collaborator of Alois Hába and EF Burian.

The connection with the musical world of the Balkans stems from the fact that the performer experienced a similar fate as Karel Reiner in the 1990s, when there was a war in Bosnia and music was hope and light for her as well. She also worked on verses by Emil Juliš for the anniversary of his birth in the Emil Juliš Gallery in Louna.

In addition to music, she is also involved in experimental theater, and is the author and director of the surrealist performance Second Skin. It also tries to connect different types of art with the space and place in which it is played, with an emphasis on ecological and environmental themes. For the last six years, she has been working as a therapist who is looking for a way to connect the latest neurological and linguistic studies with procedures that remove obstacles that musicians and performers in general encounter, which is often caused by a deficit of inspiration and subsequent realization and a lack of meaning in their actions.

"My aesthetic approach is trying to draw attention to the roots of the music of the country I come from, while at the same time making what I play and sing taste like a spice that can have different flavors (sweet, bitter, hot, etc.). I believe that more important than understanding the language (verbal and semantic content) of the songs is the emotional connection of the listeners with me and the space in which the concerts take place," says Aida Mujačić.

Organizer : UFFO under the auspices of the city of Trutnov
Patron of the concert
: BSSHOP sro

Thursday 24 October ** B. Martinů Concert Hall ** 19:00 ** entrance fee 190 CZK ** advance ticket sales from 2 September

Program :

Original remakes of Karel Reiner's melodies - Reiner(kace)
Karel Reiner + Norbert Frýd - Flowered Horse:
Flowered horse

Karel Reiner - Three love songs:
Ancient dear

Karel Reiner - Old Bohemian Esther:
Oh my dear man

Karel Reiner - November songs: