st 12.6.202419:00


Osmadvacetiletá umělkyně Mina zabloudí v rozlehlém, dosud neobjeveném lese v západním Irsku. Když Mina najde úkryt, ocitá se nečekaně vedle tří cizinců, které každou noc sledují a pronásledují tajemné bytosti.
Blue Galaxy
CZ subtitles
102 minutes
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Twenty-eight-year-old artist Mina gets lost in a vast, yet undiscovered forest in western Ireland. When Mina finds shelter, she unexpectedly finds herself next to three strangers who watch and chase mysterious beings every night. Mystery horror from producer M. Night Shyamalan, directed and written based on the novel by AM Shine - Thieves of Faces - Ishana Night Shyamalan.