čt 16.5.202417:30

Stovky bobrů

Příběh z nelítostné doby, kdy příroda byla ještě nepokořená a plná nebezpečí, pojednává o palírníkovi jablkovice, který přijde o vše, ocitne se s holou zadnicí v divočině a musí se postupně nalevelovat až na nejlepšího zálesáka široko daleko. Při tom poměří důvtip, síly a houževnatost nejen s živly, ale také s roztodivnou zvířenou, v čele s titulními stovkami bobrů.
Red Dwarf
Stovky bobrů
CZ subtitles
108 minutes
Sold Out
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A story from a ruthless time when nature was still untamed and full of danger, it is about an apple distiller who loses everything, finds himself bare-backed in the wilderness and has to gradually work his way up to the best woodsman far and wide. In doing so, they will test their wits, strength and tenacity not only against the elements, but also against the wild animals, led by the titular hundreds of beavers. The video game-narrated survival revives the genre of silent slapstick for the new millennium. In this many times funnier and more imaginative paraphrase of DiCaprio's place, a modern Buster Keaton fights for survival and his animal opponents are portrayed by people in full-body plush costumes in the style of .