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Příběh o princezně Kaguje

Báje o princezně Kaguje představuje jednu z nejzásadnějších literárních klasik japonské kultury. Pojednává o nebeské princezně, kterou v podobě maličké holčičky najde starý sběrač bambusu uvnitř zářícího stonku. Spolu se svou ženou ji vychová jako vlastní dceru.
Red Dwarf
Příběh o princezně Kaguje
CZ subtitles
137 minutes
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The Tale of Princess Kaguya represents one of the most fundamental literary classics of Japanese culture. It is about a celestial princess who is found in the form of a tiny girl by an old bamboo picker inside a glowing stem. Together with his wife, he will raise her as his own daughter. The fast-growing girl grows up to be a beauty, but is torn from the carefree joys of childhood by her father's ambition to ensure her a perfect life and make her a lady of the court. Her heart, bound by obligations and trying to live up to expectations, yearns for something completely different. Studio Ghibli co-founder Isao Takahata has created a heart-wrenching celebration of the beauty and nostalgia of life.