Letos se k moři pojede stylovým obytňákem! Natěšená foodblogerka Monika už si plánuje, jak z čerstvých ryb, kalamárů a krevet nakoupených na chorvatském trhu natočí speciální jadranskou epizodu, její manžel Honza se zase vidí na pláži s lahví oroseného piva, zatímco děti zabaví animační programy. Jenže sotva vyrazí, přichází jeden karambol za druhým. Jejich dovolenou ale nic nepřekazí!
Bára Poláková and Lukáš Příkazký set off to Croatia in a camper van. And not just any! They receive an unexpected inheritance from the caravan of their grandfather, who has always been called Brouček. And the Adriatic seems to be within reach. . . But on the way they will meet a lot of surprises and unexpected experiences that they did not plan at all. Tomáš Jeřábek, Michal Isteník, Martin Sobotka, Pavel Zedníček, Marie Ludvíková, Pavel Nový or Patrik Děrgel entertain in other roles.
"You've chosen the place where I'll go, and I'll choose how to get there," Bára Poláková, aka food blogger Monika, winks conspiratorially at her husband Honza, played by Lukáš Příkazký, and refuses to shift into reverse. It doesn't matter that he doesn't share her enthusiasm and would like to cool off with a dewy can of beer on the beach in Croatia as soon as possible. This year they will go to the sea in a motorhome. And not just any, but Brouček! Just an all-inclusive holiday. Or maybe not?
In the hot summer, the non-air-conditioned red dwelling prepared hot moments not only for the movie heroes, but also for the creators themselves. "Just like the biggest movie stars, Brouček was often headstrong and the crew had to adapt to his moods. I would almost say whimsical," says the film's producer, Pavel Vácha, amused. He is responsible for the films Party Harder, If You'd Rather Be Burning or She Came at Night. The latter black comedy has three Czech Film Critics Awards, including the one for best film, and eight nominations for the Czech Lion.
"I wanted to make a purely Czech comedy for the whole family. A film in which every viewer can easily identify with one of the characters. And he will enjoy watching them not only in the summer, but also when it is freezing outside," says director Jiří Matoušek.
Original title
Prázdniny s Broučkem
Jiří Matoušek
Filip Oberfalcer, Jiří Matoušek
Barbora Poláková, Lukáš Příkazký, Michal Isteník, Martin Sobotka, Tomáš Jeřábek, Pavel Zedníček, Pavel Nový, Marie Ludvíková, Patrik Děrgel