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Perugino – věčná renesance

Italská renesance dala světu umění celou řadu významných a dodnes působivých uměleckých děl i jmen. Malíř Pietro Perugino stojí sice poněkud ve stínu svých slavnějších současníků a žáků, pro vývoj dobového umění je ale nesmírně důležitý a jeho fresky najdeme například i na stěnách Sixtinské kaple v Římě. Dokument  si odbyl světovou premiéru v roce, kdy si připomínáme pět set let od umělcova úmrtí.
Red Dwarf
Perugino – věčná renesance
CZ subtitles
80 minutes
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The Italian Renaissance gave the world of art a number of important and still impressive works of art and names. Although the painter Pietro Perugino stands somewhat in the shadow of his more famous contemporaries and students, he is extremely important for the development of contemporary art, and his frescoes can be found, for example, on the walls of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The documentary had its world premiere in the year we commemorate the five hundredth anniversary of the artist's death. It reminds us of his legacy and influence – he was the teacher of greats such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo or Raffaelo. The story of this exceptional artist of his time is accompanied by the Italian actor Marco Bocci, and together with the audience, he lets himself be enchanted by the works of the Italian Renaissance in details that cannot normally be seen in galleries. Many historians talk about the topic, and the viewer is presented with a plastic picture of the life of an extremely gifted person and his time.