Ozi, an inquisitive and courageous orangutan, lives deep in the rainforest with her mom Seema and dad JoJo. Life in their idyllic treetop nest is blissful until one fateful night a forest fire devastates everyone's lives. Ozi is suddenly separated from her parents, luckily she is rescued by Kirani and Robert from the local orphanage for orphaned orangutans. Ozi is scared and confused, but gradually, thanks to the kindness and patience of her adoptive family, she learns to communicate using sign language. Ozi starts posting fun life tutorials online and soon becomes a viral sensation with fans all over the world. When she accidentally discovers that her parents may still be alive, she ventures into the rainforest she used to call home and tries to find them. But the lush and vibrant landscape of her memories is desperately different from what lies before her now. Deforestation has destroyed the forest as far as the eye can see, and Ozi is devastated. She decides that her new mission, in addition to finding her parents, will also be to let everyone know what's going on. And she knows exactly how to do it - with the help of her online followers and new friends.