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Občan Havel

Film Občan Havel s podtitulem Scény z prezidentské kuchyně nahlíží do zákulisí politických i soukromých dramat prezidentského období Václava Havla.
Blue Galaxy
Občan Havel
119 minutes
Czech Republic
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The film Občan Havel, subtitled Scenes from the Presidential Kitchen, looks behind the scenes of the political and private dramas of Václav Havel's presidency. The film captures him in a variety of situations – during political meetings and in moments in which the media does not normally present him, for example when he can get angry and swear at badly made shirts. Just as in his life, his two wives, Olga and Dagmar, play an important role in the film, his friends and colleagues, world and Czech politicians, but also members of the Rolling Stones, for example, appear here. Director Pavel Koutecký watched the first Czech president for more than thirteen years. Unfortunately, Koutecký did not see the premiere of his most interesting and biggest film project. After his tragic death in the spring of 2006, director Miroslav Janek undertook the completion of the film. The One World Festival presents the extended director's version of the film in its world premiere. The audience will see a number of scenes in it that did not fit into the two-hour film traveling around Czech cinemas.