so 22.6.202419:30


Na začátku chtěli jen jezdit na motorkách a zažívat pocit maximální svobody. Na konci z nich tekla krev… Vzestup a pád motorkářského gangu zachycuje v benzínem vonícím dramatu Motorkáři oceňovaný režisér Jeff Nichols.
Blue Galaxy
CZ subtitles
116 minutes
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Kathy (Jodie Comer) is a stubborn girl who doesn't let anyone mess with her life and is quite free-spirited even by the standards of America at the turn of the sixties and seventies of the last century. When she meets Benny (Austin Butler), a young biker who has a similar blood type, in a bar where decent girls don't go, things start to spark immediately between them. Benny is a member of the biker party "Vandals", an informal group of lovers of carefree riding, led by bar owner Johnny (Tom Hardy). The taste for freedom is contagious, and Kathy soon succumbs to it. But as a smart girl, she also begins to notice the negative things that accompany the growth of a biker gang - increasingly violent fights with competitors, clashes with the police and illegal activities that provide the organization with income and keep it running. Because Kathy loves Benny, she doesn't want him to end up in a base or with a bullet in his body, and she tries to find an escape route for him from the gang. The question is whether such a path even exists, and if so, whether Benny even wants to take it. The film Bikers was made by Jeff Nichols based on photographer Danny Lyon's book of the same name, which charts his time with a famous Chicago motorcycle club in the 1960s. “I used many motifs from the book, but it is still pure fiction. My heroes never existed, they are more like symbols that represent what it means to be part of this extraordinary subculture," says director Nichols, who managed to put an extraordinary cast behind the wheel, led by Tom Hardy, Austin Butler and Jodie Comer.