Betty Flood is an ordinary girl who lives with her magical family in the human world. However, she is the only one with no magical powers. Little did she know that her family had their own reasons for not inducting Betty into the world of magic. He goes into this world behind their backs, putting his family in danger.
Betty Flood is an ordinary girl who lives with her magical family in the human world. However, she is the only one with no magical powers. Little did she know that her family had their own reasons for not inducting Betty into the world of magic. He goes into this world behind their backs, putting his family in danger. Can she discover her magical powers to save her family from the sorcerer king Murkhart? A story full of magic, music and amazing adventures awaits you.
Animated, Adventurous, Comedy
Original title
My Freaky Family
Mark Gravas
Harry Cripps, Cleon Prineas
Ardal O'Hanlon, Charlotte Friels, Ed Byrne, Evanna Lynch, Miranda Otto, Richard Roxburgh, Neil Delamere, Rupert Degas