Milovat k smrti

Milovat k smrti
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The story of the great Edith Piaf

Edith Piaf was a great singing personality of the 20th century. It became a symbol of the peak era of the French chanson, it became a symbol of the golden age of Paris. She had the amazing gift of a unique voice, the ability to suggestively tell in songs about the bright and dark life, but especially about all the shades of love. Edith Piaf was lucky to have composers and lyricists, and her songs are still an unrepeatable experience.

Based on the book by her sister Simone Berteaut, a captivating story followed the life journey of Edith Piaf, a great singer who was always and under all circumstances determined to live fully, sing fully, love fully... until her very death.

Author: Táňa Nálepková
Lyrics: Jiří Dědeček
Director: Jakub Maceček
Starring: Svetlana Nálepková, Martin Sochor, Ondřej Kavan
Live accompaniment: Jiří Toufar's Blue Angel Memory Band

Tuesday, May 21 ** UFFO ** 7:00 p.m. ** subscribers access to DH season tickets, others - entry fee 590, 540, 490 CZK ** pre-sale of tickets from 22 April.