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Tibor Červeňák (b. 1977) is an extraordinary phenomenon who, without inhibitions or corrections, presents scenes saturated with emotions. It is good to look at his paintings with a similar open immediacy. He is a painter of heart and hand; also of feeling and grasp - an intuitive author, but guided and held subconsciously by something consistent.

His paintings are variable in expression, but in total it is a work held together by an inner mystery. The images have a common basis, an assumed denominator, an apparent authenticity. Červeňák is a colorist painter, a lyrical storyteller, who, however, in the deeper layers plays out a more or less moving, albeit muted, difficult drama. We are looking at a prose poem in which dream and reality, imagination and perception, fantastic and probable, are intermingled. The painter moves with a rare intuition on the border of different dualities and it is clear that he feels natural here. As a rule, it successfully avoids the pitfalls of superficial aestheticism, although the narrative, beauty and positive captivating are present here. Color, movement and mysterious inexpressiveness attract us - they draw us into his strangely relaxed, sometimes obscured world, which is vaguely close to us.


The opening will take place on Tuesday 5/21 from 5:00 p.m.


22. 5. - 15. 7. ** UFFO Gallery ** open: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ** entrance fee 30 CZK, children 15 CZK, children under 3 years free


The project is implemented with the financial support of the Hradec Králové Region.