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Maria Montessori

Montessori metoda je způsob výuky, při kterém je respektována zejména osobnost dítěte, a není založena na memorování žáků. Životopisné drama Maria Montessori ukazuje příběh zakladatelky této metody, která navzdory všem nesnázím své doby pomáhala právě těm dětem, na které společnost zanevřela.
Red Dwarf
Maria Montessori
CZ subtitles
100 minutes
France, Italy
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1900, Paris. Lili d'Alengy is an admired courtesan, the darling of the Parisian elite. Every man craves her attention. But she has a secret that could destroy her position immediately. He has a daughter, Tina, who suffers from a disability. For fear of losing his long-built reputation, he keeps Tina aloof. But she is already at an age when Lili is not able to take care of her, maybe she doesn't even want to, and that's why she decides to go to Rome. Supposedly there is a doctor there who could help Tina. Upon arrival, he is surprised to find that the doctor is not a man, as was common at the time, but a woman. Her name is Maria Montessori and she is developing a revolutionary teaching method for disabled children with severe learning disabilities. As part of the development of this method, he founds the "Casa dei Bambini", the first school for children who need special access. Thanks to patience and a special approach to each individual, with specific aids and learning through play, he achieves amazing results. Like Lili, Maria also hides a secret. He has a child out of wedlock, which is completely unacceptable in the society of that time. She has to decide whether her school and students or her own son are more important to her. The two women are thus united by adversity, but even thanks to this they are mutual support, together they will rewrite history and cause a revolution in teaching.