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Láska na zakázku

Lehká komedie plná oblíbených hereckých tváří, mezi kterými nechybí ani dva čeští Belmondové! Zatímco většina romantických hrdinů musí ujít strastiplnou cestu, aby se jejich přání splnila, Eva a Vítek dostanou hned na začátku všechno, po čem touží. Jenže záhy se z jejich splněných snů stane skutečná noční můra a jim začne docházet, že opravdové štěstí na ně čeká jinde, než si doteď mysleli.
Blue Galaxy
Láska na zakázku
82 minutes
Czech Republic
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Be careful what you wish for, it may come true. And in the new comedy by screenwriter and director Eva Toulová, they will do the same! The main characters start their dream job and their life finally takes the right direction. Or that it wouldn't be such a walk through the park as they imagined? Although Eva (Eva Toulová), as the only woman, gets a job in the best advertising agency in the country, she doesn't know yet that it is under the leadership of a sexist boss (Václav Vydra). After years, Vítek (Martin Kraus) has finally decided to open his own hypnotherapy office, but he runs into a misunderstanding of those around him, who have no idea what to expect from hypnotherapy. Everything takes a turn when Eva receives an order for advertising, which has one goal - to make the person in question fall in love with the client. "I wanted to make a relaxing comedy with characters that each of us can meet in life. Who hasn't experienced a horrible boss or overly demanding clients? At the same time, we wanted to introduce viewers to the somewhat unknown branch of hypnotherapy. The interesting thing is that all the hypnotherapy stories that take place at Vítek's office really happened, no matter how crazy they seem. And as is usual in my films, there is also a central love line, so even romantic souls will find their way," says director Eva Toulová, who cast Martin Kraus, Jiří Krampol, Václav Vydra, Igor Bareš, Valeria Zawadská and Uršula Kluková into roles written by life itself. It is therefore certain that the entertainment will be taken care of, especially when feelings start to mix into everything.