pá 24.5.202416:30

Kung Fu Panda 4

Nejslavnější pandí bojovník všech dob se vrací a bude mít fůru práce. Ve čtvrtém díle oblíbené série Kung Fu Panda bude Po vybírat svého nástupce, baštit knedlíčky, bojovat s dosud nejmocnějším protivníkem, ale hlavně… baštit knedlíčky.
Red Dwarf
Kung Fu Panda 4
94 minutes
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The hero of the animated saga Kung Fu Panda has already proven many times that he really deserves the title "Dragon Warrior" despite everything (especially his clumsiness). Under the expert supervision of Master Shifu, he makes sure that his native Valley of Tranquility lives up to its name. But his mentor now decided that Po should be promoted and become the spiritual leader of the entire valley and thus also choose his successor to the role of Dragon Warrior. This doesn't sit well with the panda hero, because he knows much less about spiritual guidance than he knew about kung fu at the start of his heroic career. Unfortunately, the thoughts about the new protector of the Valley of Tranquility are interrupted by a powerful witch who is a chameleon in origin, but it doesn't really matter because she can transform into practically anyone. And this monster has just decided to acquire fighting skills from all the legendary kung fu fighters that Po has defeated in the past. She believes that their union will turn her into a monster that even the Dragon Warrior will fall short of. So Po has to put his spirituality on hold for a while, roll up his sleeves and get down to honest kung fu work. Eight years have passed since the cinema premiere of the previous installment, which series producer Rebecca Huntley explains by a thorough search for a path to the perfect story. “When you're following up on such a successful series, you have to respect the elements that worked and the audience wouldn't forgive you for their absence. At the same time, you must not rest on your laurels and you must bring something new, something that will make them say it was worth coming to the cinema," says the producer.