pá 17.5.202419:30

Kos v ostružiní

Etero je 48 let, žije v ospalé gruzínské vsi a v oprýskaném koloniálu prodává prací prášky a kosmetiku. Vesničané se na ni dívají jako na podezřelý úkaz. Etero má totiž nejradši samotu. Miluje dorty, řeku a ostružiny, které jí byly po celý život rodiči, spolužáky, kamarády i milenci. Nikdy se nevdala, nikdy nepoznala muže, nikdy po žádném netoužila.
Red Dwarf
Kos v ostružiní
CZ subtitles
110 minutes
Georgia, Switzerland
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Etero is an independent, almost fifty-year-old woman who has been running her own shop in a remote village for years. Her married friends, for whom family and children are everything, look at her with incomprehension and a certain superiority, but Etero values her freedom above all else. An accident that almost kills her one day while picking blackberries awakens in her a desire she has never felt before... The romantic drama, whose poetics draws from the strong tradition of Georgian cinematography, touches on the ever more strongly resonating themes of emancipation and the right not to submit to the pressure of social norms. Eka Čavleišvili in the role of the earthy Etero, who discovers the magic of poetry, romantic love and the joy of her own physicality, was warmly received by the audience at this year's Cannes festival.