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Jak zachránit draka

Ve starověké Číně byli draci a lidé přáteli, ale lidská chamtivost ukončila jejich spojenectví a tato kouzelná stvoření se stala kořistí. Posledního z nich teď drží v zajetí krutý císař. Jednoho dne přinese krmení drakovi malá sirota jménem Ping a brzy se ukáže, že právě ona je tou vyvolenou, která ho díky své ukryté magické síle může zachránit.
Blue Galaxy
Jak zachránit draka
99 minutes
China, Spain
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In ancient China, dragons and humans were friends, but human greed ended their alliance and these magical creatures became prey. The last of them is now being held captive by the cruel emperor. One day, a little orphan named Ping brings food to the dragon, and it soon turns out that she is the chosen one who can save him with her hidden magical power. But on their way to freedom, they are chased by an evil sorcerer and a dragon hunter. In order to survive, these unlikely allies must learn to help and understand each other. To accomplish her mission, Ping must find a courage she never knew she had. She can no longer be the timid, shy orphan she once was. She became a true hero who must save the dragon.