Světoznámý kocour Garfield, který nesnáší pondělky, miluje lasagne a nejraději by prospal život uvnitř v pohodlí, se vydá ven do nepohody na velké dobrodružství! Po nečekaném návratu jeho dlouho pohřešovaného otce Vica se Garfield a jeho psí kamarád Odie musí zříci spokojeného života v suchu a pomoci Vicovi provést jednu velice riskantní loupež.
Garfield, the world-famous cat who hates Mondays, loves lasagna, and would rather sleep through life indoors in comfort, ventures out into the uncomfortable on a grand adventure! After the unexpected return of his long-missing father, Vic, Garfield and his canine friend Odie must abandon their contented life in the dry and help Vic pull off a very risky heist.
Animated, Adventurous, Comedy
Original title
The Garfield Movie
Mark Dindal
David Reynolds, Mark Torgove
Chris Pratt, Hannah Waddingham, Nicholas Hoult, Samuel L. Jackson, Ving Rhames, Cecily Strong