Frontman skupiny Olympic Petr Janda, zpěvák, skladatel a kytarista, jedna z největších legend v historii české populární hudby, oslavil v květnu 2022 osmdesáté narozeniny a koncem téhož roku šedesáté výročí kapely Olympic. V rámci dvojitého jubilea vznikl celovečerní dokumentární film o mimořádném muzikantovi a otci čtyř dcer.
Petr Janda got the nickname Django while performing in France in the sixty-eighth year. The French kept mangling his name and calling him "Zambon", which is ham, "Žanda" or "Žamon". Until drummer Jan Antonín Pacák started calling him Django after the famous French jazz guitarist Jean "Django" Reinhardt, who is Peter's great role model .
Czech rock singer Petr Janda, frontman of the band Olympic, composer and guitarist, one of the biggest legends in the history of Czech popular music, celebrated his eightieth birthday in May 2022 and the sixtieth anniversary of his band Olympic at the end of the same year. As part of the double jubilee, a full-length documentary film was made about the extraordinary musician and father of four daughters.
Director Olga Malířová Špátová created an engaging story about love for music, about obsession and passion, about composing and playing. About the beauty and suffering that comes with creation and the life of a musician. About the pain of losing loved ones and also close friends. About mistakes and weaknesses in the time of normalization, which threw sticks under the feet of big beat music and culture. A film about love and friendship. About fatherhood, which for him today is the main meaning of what to live for.