so 18.5.202419:30

Cizinci: Kapitola 1

Film sleduje mladý pár, který cestuje napříč zemí, aby spolu začal nový život. Cestou se jim porouchá auto a jsou nuceni strávit noc v odlehlé chatce v lese, kde se stávají kořistí tajemné skupiny maskovaných cizinců.
Red Dwarf
Cizinci: Kapitola 1
CZ subtitles
91 minutes
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The film follows a young couple who travel across the country to start a new life together. On the way, their car breaks down and they are forced to spend the night in a remote cabin in the woods, where they fall prey to a mysterious group of masked strangers. Director Renny Harlin presents a new horror trilogy based on the film (2008), inspired by a true story. The main character becomes a victim for no apparent reason, most likely because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. How he deals with it and who the masked foreigners are and what their motivation is, will be gradually revealed to us in this exciting horror series.