st 5.2.202518:30


No one escapes the consequences of their actions. Not even Miki Černák. While the first film MIKI followed the journey of a former bus driver to the head of the Slovak mafia, the second film ČERNÁK is set during the years of mafia wars and the connection between politics and organized crime.
Red Dwarf
CZ subtitles
109 minutes
Slovakia, Czech Republic
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Miki Černák, a boy from Telgárt, has become the feared boss of the Horehron mafia group, but that is not enough for him. He wants to rule all of Slovakia and become the boss of all bosses. However, the road to the top is lined with traitors, and especially dozens of corpses. However, on his way to the top, Miki underestimates the most powerful mafia that has ever ruled Slovakia – politicians and the secret service. The film ČERNÁK brings the conclusion of a tragic and violent life story inspired by the fate of the Horehron underworld boss Mikuláš Černák. Gregor Hološka, the actor who played one of the main roles, described the reactions to the film adaptation of this story as follows: "I encountered negative responses such as: why glorify a scoundrel, we have other, real, positive, wise heroes. But also positive responses that said that it is good that people see our dark past, that they should look at it and learn from it. Personally, I agree with opinion number two. Let people see what we lived through." He adds: "My feeling tells me that if the audience were to have the impression that the main character was glorified in the film MIKI, I think the second part, the film ČERNÁK, will disprove it. There is too much darkness and dirt for him to come out of it unscathed..."