The story of how Andy Warhol, the son of Slovak immigrants in the USA, became an icon of the 20th century and ranked among the few personalities who had a global reach and completely changed the view of art.
The story of how Andy Warhol, the son of Slovak immigrants in the USA, became an icon of the 20th century and ranked among the few personalities who had a global reach and completely changed the view of art. His life story is fascinating, from a perpetually sick boy living in a Slavic ghetto in Pittsburgh, he became one of the most influential artists of all time - celebrities he worked with include Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Mick Jagger and Liz Taylor. How did he manage to reach the top of the art world and what influenced his work the most? Little is known about how much influence Ruthenian culture had on his work, and especially his deep faith in God, to which he turned until his death. But the first part of the film goes back to the ancient past, when hundreds of men and women left poor parts of Zakarpattia Rus and eastern Slovakia for work in America and other parts of the world. Among them were Ondřej Varchola and his wife Julie, the future parents of Andy Warhol. They knew that they would not be able to achieve the American dream, but they dedicated their whole lives to building better conditions for their son, who opened the door to the world of art at an early age.